
You can change the codes if you know HTML, but if you don't please do not change them. And also do not change it to indecate that the Will Smith Fan Page is a bad place to come. Please indecate that it is just a fan page.

Copy & Paste

So you need help with copy & paste? You've come to the right place. Simply highlight the code that is in the box by dragging your mouse over it. Then hold down Ctrl+C at the same time. Then go into your homepage and hold down Ctrl+V to paste the code onto your page. It's that easy!

Copying the images and uploading them

If you would like faster loading on the images you can right-click them and select Save Picture As... and name the file and save it to your hard drive. After that you can upload them to your website provider. Then you insert this into the page that you want the link on: <a href=""><img src="ADDRESS HERE"></a> The text in italics is what you put in your page, and the bold part is where you put the image address. What you do is once you've uploaded the picture, and let's say your site is and you upload it now, and the name of the picture is willsmith.jpg so the address is and that's what you'd insert in place of the bold text.

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